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[官方新闻] 李贞贤荣登韩国电影振兴委员会评选的韩国200位最具代表性演员名单

发表于 2021-4-14 00:01:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 michyeo 于 2021-6-30 12:39 编辑

楼主注: 随着名单的分批公布, 主办方由于各种压力和利益不断更改名单, 用新"爱豆"替换了好多原本在列的优秀演员, 造成巨大争议. 截至2021年6月30日, 名单改变如下:
(来自粉丝会微信群 @蓝色风尚)


名单官方网站首页: https://theactorispresent.kr/
李贞贤页面: https://theactorispresent.kr/lee-junghyun/
官方提名视频(YouTube, 帖子底部附百度网盘下载链接): https://youtu.be/w06DsHyPZc4

下方有提名总结, 原文在上, 我尝试的翻译在下. 欢迎补充!

2021-04-13 091208.jpeg



An amazing newbie actor has come back as a veteran actor who fears nothing after her career as the best musician. Let's worship Lee Junghyun in Earnestland

一出道就技惊四座的新人演员回来了! 歌手事业登顶后, 这位演员老将已然无所畏惧. 让我们一起膜拜"诚实国度"中的李贞贤!

Lee Junghyun


Lee Junghyun appeared like a comet. Despite having no acting experience, she was chosen as the main character of the film A Petal (1996) after passing the 3,000-to-1 audition. Even more surprising was the intense energy she showed in the film. A girl, who goes crazy after witnessing the Gwangju Democratization Movement and losing her mother, represents the scars of those who experienced the tragedy in Gwangju in May 1980. Lee couldn't act at all when she stood in front of the camera on the first day of filming, but she chose to become the girl herself to embody the tragedy caused by the tyrannical military regime. With the impressive performance in her first movie, she won the Best New Actress at various film awards. Lee also sang for the soundtrack of A Petal (1996), debuted as a singer in late 1999, and made a huge success.  She has focused on her singing career since 2001.

- 李贞贤出道时像彗星般耀眼. 尽管还没有任何表演经验, 她仍通过了淘汰率3000:1的试镜, 被选为1996年电影<花瓣>的主演. 更令人意外的是她在电影里展现出的极强的爆发力. 一个目睹了光州民主运动并在之中失去母亲而精神失常的女孩, 代表着经历了1980年五月光州惨案的人们心中的伤疤. 拍摄的第一天, 站在摄影机前的小贞贤完全不懂怎么表演, 但她选择将自己代入那个女孩, 淋漓尽致地展现出集权军政府造成的惨剧. 凭借电影处女作中惊艳的表现, 她在多个电影节中斩获最佳新人女演员奖. 李贞贤也演唱了<花瓣>的原声带, 并在1999年出道成为歌手收获巨大成功. 2001年后, 她专注于她的歌唱事业.

With the short film Night fishing (2010) directed by Park Chanwook and Park Chankyong, Lee Junghyun returned to the film industry after 10 years of interval. In the following year, she appeared in another film Juvenile Offender (2012). It is the story of Hyoseung, who gave birth to a baby at age 17 and abandoned him, ending up reuniting with her son Jigu (Seo Youngjoo), who served in a juvenile detention center for robbing an empty house with his friends. Lee Junghyun showed an intricate performance, playing a woman in her 30s who was still not ready to become a mother. Her character tries to get to know her son while coming into conflict with her son, who refuses the responsibility as a father just like she did. The film showed that Lee has much more to offer than her ‘madness’ performance to impress the audience. And the low-budget film Juvenile Offender (2012) served as an opportunity for her to take off the crown of a K-wave star and showcase her acting chops in a small-scale film.

- 在电影界缺席10年后, 李贞贤在2010年凭借朴赞郁和朴赞景兄弟执导的短片<波澜万丈>回归. 之后在2012年, 她主演了另一部电影<犯罪少年>. 电影讲述了孝胜, 一个在17岁未婚先孕, 而后抛弃儿子出走的单亲妈妈, 和因与朋友闯入和盗窃空房子而被关进少管所的儿子最终团聚的故事. 李贞贤展现了层次丰富的表演功力. 在电影中出演一个30岁出头, 但仍没准备好承担母亲角色的女人. 她的角色尝试着去接触和了解她的儿子, 并在这个过程中与不愿承担父亲角色, 让另一个女孩重蹈自己当年覆辙的儿子发生冲突. 这部电影证明了李贞贤的表演除了"疯癫", 还有很多其他形象可以留给观众深刻的印象. 这部低成本电影<犯罪少年>提供了一个阶梯. 使她可以褪去韩流明星的光环, 并开始在小成本电影中挥洒表演才华.

After appearing in the massive hit Roaring Currents (2014), Lee Junghyun took part in another small-budget film Alice In Earnestland (2014). The film follows the hapless life of a woman who has worked hard since young but can't escape a miserable life. Showing her special attachment to the movie, Lee even took care of meals for the staff members while filming it without receiving any fees for her performance. And the film is indeed of Lee Junghyun, by Lee Junghyun, and for Lee Junghyun. Her performance alternated between madness and innocence, making the audience sincerely support Soonam, the protagonist who worked hard to be happy but ended up in a hole of misfortune and eventually became the perpetrator of a crime. Alice In Earnestland (2014) won her the Best Actress at the Blue Dragon Award for her impressive and comprehensive acting chops. Since then, Lee has challenged herself in various genres with The Battleship Island (2017), Night of the Undead (2020), and Peninsula (2020), broadening her horizon as an actor step by step.

- 在2014年大热的<鸣梁>中出演后, 李贞贤同年又参演了另一部小成本独立电影<诚实国度的爱丽丝>. 这部影片讲述了一个倒霉女人的故事. 她从小就非常努力, 可无论如何就是逃脱不了悲惨的命运. 李贞贤对这部电影非常钟情, 不仅零片酬出演, 在拍摄期间还承包了整个剧组的饮食. 这部电影真的是李贞贤主演, 李贞贤制作, 并为李贞贤量身打造的. 她的表演时而疯狂时而无助, 让观众由衷地支持素楠, 影片主角, 一个为了幸福拼尽全力, 却被接踵而至的不幸不断打击, 并最终沦为杀人行凶者的可怜人. 李贞贤凭借在<诚实国度的爱丽丝>中惊艳和全面的表演获得青龙影后. 在此之后, 她又挑战了各类其它电影和角色, 包括2017年的<军舰岛>, 2020年的<活死人之夜>, 和<半岛>等, 一步步地拓展她的戏路.

Moon Dongmyung

Filmography - 电影作品 (缺<军舰岛>和<分瓶>)
<Night of the Undead> (2020) - <活死人之夜>
<Peninsula>(2020) - <半岛>
<LOVE, AGAIN> (2019) - <要做两次吗>
<The Running Actress> (2017) - <今天也是女演员>
<Alice In Earnestland> (2015) - <诚实国度的爱丽丝>
<Roaring Currents> (2014) - <鸣梁海战>
<Juvenile Offender> (2012) - <犯罪少年>
<Night Fishing> (2011) - <波澜万丈>
<Harpy> (2000) - <死亡功课>
<Scent of Love> (2000) - <沉香>
<Maria and The Inn> (1997) - <玛丽亚旅店>
<A Petal> (1996) - <花瓣>


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 楼主| 发表于 2021-4-18 12:12:43 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
汽车大狮 发表于 2021-4-17 22:38

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发表于 2021-4-14 09:52:04 | 显示全部楼层
感谢楼主分享~贤姐实至名归 歌后影后双无敌~~~
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发表于 2021-4-14 09:52:48 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2021-4-14 10:01:19 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2021-4-14 10:29:35 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2021-4-14 10:41:53 | 显示全部楼层
a860210 发表于 2021-4-13 21:29

嗯嗯! 大家一起支持贤姐! 无论唱歌演戏做饭还是时尚设计!
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发表于 2021-4-17 09:53:52 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2021-4-17 13:09:35 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
汽车大狮 发表于 2021-4-16 20:53

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发表于 2021-4-18 11:38:09 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
michyeo 发表于 2021-4-17 13:09

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